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What is a Barak tank?

The Barak, like the Merkava tanks of previous generations, was developed by the Defense Ministry’s directorate of armored combat vehicles, locally known as MANTAK, the ministry told Defense News.

Where are the new Barak tanks located in Israel?

Three of the new Barak tanks at the Merkava and Armored Vehicles Directorate in Tel HaShomer. (Israeli Ministry of Defense) The Israeli Ministry of Defense (MoD) unveiled a new version of the Merkava 4 main battle tank called the Barak on 19 September.

Is the Barak a good tank for the IDF?

He said the Barak tank was “an extraordinary leap forward” in the Armored Corps capabilities that “guarantee the IDF’s qualitative advantage every time, in defense and attack.” The Merkava has been the IDF’s main battle tank since the 1980s.

What weapons does a Barak tank have?

Additional weaponry includes a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, another 7.62 mm machine gun mounted on the turret's right side, and an internally housed 60 mm breech-loaded mortar. One of the features of the Barak tank is the high-tech helmet developed by Elbit Systems, dubbed IronVision.

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